Commonly while in her "base" form in all games, Mycale uses the cursed weapon Dáinsleif in its sealed marshal staff state, which she created to preserve her soul and possess multiple hosts such as the World War II Female Doctor, Kati and Anonym Merel Lambuth for centuries. She is the creator of the Perfecti Magic Spell, which allows user to utilize a magic that are beyond gods, demons or worst. Her "base" forms utilizes Norse-myth style spells, named after Norse figures and species, and is a zoning character.
In Akatsuki-titles as a possessed Kati, Mycale focuses on one of her spell-based special moves that utilizes setplay. If she's being hit, special moves will deplete. Her only alternate normals are on both standing and jumping normals.
In EN-Eins Perfektewelt Anastasis however, where Merel is her current host, Mycale's gameplay and some of her moveset will be different while retaining some of her Kati-possessed movesets from Akatsuki-titles, due to now also weaponized with one of Merel's guns and utilizes an agile fighting style, just as having both new battle stage and BGM.
Gameplay Appearances:
- Akatsuki Prototyp 1 - Akatsuki Blitzkampf (Ausf. Achse): Mycale/Gameplay/ABK
- EN-Eins Perfektewelt Anastasis: Mycale/Gameplay/EN1PW