Heilige Länze (
Little known about Heilige Länze, it may be possible that like in real-life, it was created during the last day of Jesus Christ in B.C.. It is unknown how the soul of a Battle Maiden, Valkyria converted inside the lance
Past (During the War)[]
In the beginning of World War II, when a prototype clone named Mitford found and touches Heilige Länze, she attempted to commit a suicide before Valkyria's soul possess her. Unfortunately, Mitford's effort failed, as her soul died, Valkyria becomes dormant after healing her host's corpse.
Akatsuki Prototyp Nr. 1/Bliztkampf (Ausf. Achse)[]
Valkyria did not use Heilige Länze, due to being Mycale's Reflector assist character when the latter used to possess Kati.
EN-Eins Perfektewelt (Anastasis)[]
- Heilige Länze (a German name for Holy Lance) is also the Lance of Longinus (named after an unnamed Roman soldiers who bears the name "Saint Longinus"), the Spear of Destiny, or the Holy Spear, which primarily alleged to have pierced the side of Jesus Christ as he hung on the cross during his crucifixion.
- It might be possible that Heilige Länze serves as an inspiration of Dáinsleif on having similar host possession properties.