Fritz had been taught with Mugai-Style Swordsmanship since his youth. Fritz's best technique is his dash-based Step-Drive, allowing him to escape pressure with little consequence. His sword normals can cause chip damage. He may have worn a Blitzanzug, albeit Prototyp ones, but appears to have no sign of using a Blitz Motor, as evident by his natural aging.
The way of Fritz's gameplay resemble those of SNK's Samurai Shodown, such as against guarded opponent cause Fritz to get a disadvantage by opponent's incoming attack. As such, he is one of the few characters (another one being Blitztank) with limited combos because of having alternate normals in crouching as well, with only 2 Target Combos: Far to Far , and Far + to Close +. Because of this, Fritz relies on defensive gameplay, and high and chip damage sword normals.
Gameplay Appearances:
- Akatsuki Prototyp 1 - Akatsuki Blitzkampf (Ausf. Achse): Fritz/Gameplay/ABK
- EN-Eins Perfektewelt (Anastasis): Fritz/Gameplay/EN1PW