Sai's fighting style is Jeet Kune Do and Shaolin Kung Fu, thought often uses kicks primarily, with a few hand-based attacks. His signature magical weapon are his Mythical Evil Eyes, with an ability curse his opponent to either killing them, de-buffing them or granting himself additional buffs.
Sai is a neutral mixup fighter who utilizes great normal move ranges and relies on utilizing his eyes to nerf opponents for short periods. However, he currently lacks an Anti-Air reversal attack, with the EX Lateral Legs and the new one, Air Screw Kick from EN-Eins Perfektewelt are still one of the gauge-based moves; and his defense tools are much weaker than his offense counterparts.
Gameplay Appearances:
- Akatsuki Prototyp 1 - Akatsuki Blitzkampf (Ausf. Achse): Claude D'Aspermont/Gameplay/ABK
- EN-Eins Perfektewelt (Anastasis): Claude D'Aspermont/Gameplay/EN1PW